What should I be?

So the other day I was talking to a friend about work etc, and he said you don’t sound very happy at your job, have you considered doing anything else?

You that is a very good question, while growing up I never considered being a librarian as a job of choice, hell it wasn’t even on the radar.  I wanted to be a History Teacher, and had worked towards that goal.  IN my final year of high school I decided to not to go to teachers college (back then there were still some) and went to university, instead and went on to do a MA in history after an extended period, most people would have a PhD if they were in school that long.  Before the completion of the degree, my advisor and I had a frank conversation, and we both said no to a PhD that I would have to pay for myself, Bs don’t get money.  Though I have said no it is still there in the back of my mind, but might have to wait till I retire or win the lotto.

That said my decision to library school was pretty spur of the moment, discovered the option after talking to a friend who said they were going, and that sparked the idea for me.  What a great concept, get to read, help others with my knowledge, and continue to learn about things I love, and get paid to do it.  I thought with a MA I was a shoe in for university work.  WRONG  Still waiting to hear from an interview I did 5 years ago at MT A.  Had a few others that went nowhere, not even contract work.  A friend told me about a job in a public system so I applied and here I am 5 years later.  Let me be clear I never want to do public libraries, but I seem to have found my niche.  I look at job postings (one academic posting actually asked for transcripts after 5 years of service why would I need those?) still and know a couple academic librarians, and they seem to have a pretty sweet deal, but I also see the publish or paradigm that they deal with for those in tenure track libraries, and I am at a loss to think what I would do that would be research and writable about.  Though working from home would be freaking sweet.

Anyway the question is still there what else could I do, I enjoy helping people find interesting reads and information, but those interactions are few and far between as the internet and other forces provide similar services.  Really for me it is the politics of the institution, something I thought I would escape from after university, boy was I wrong.  Something else is the that sweeping changes are made without staff consultation, especially about something patrons/customers are passionate about and will cause much upheaval and complaints.  I like my job, but yes sometimes I am less than enthusiastic about it and it comes through sometimes in my tone and conversations, not every0ne can be on 24/7 for the life of their career.  I see some of the new hires here that are that way and I see burnout in their future, but they have to learn on their own.  It took me 2 years before I did, but I am a fast learner sometimes.

Still what else is out there for me?  What else could/would I do.  I really don’t think I could teach, knowing what I know and see about teachers, though I think the students would be happy to have someone that actually has a clue as to how things really work in the information world.  NO DATABASES ARE NOT THE INTERNET!!!!!!!  This is aimed at all teachers of all ages, you should know better, because you teach doesn’t mean you cannot learn.

There is always the publishing industry, but holy crap why would someone go into something that is so incredibly dependent on customers and refuses to keep up with the times.  LONG LIVE THE PAPER BOOK!!! VIVA LE BOOK or is la anyway.   I love to read, I love books, but there is required such a passion and sacrifice that I am not sure I have.

Then there is book sales, but with Chapters etc, not sure I could find a place where I could sell books and make a go of it, unless it is a part of something else.  This has been a dream, but with no money and student loans it is still some way off.

Then there is the final option I have thought about for some time writing, but and I have had a few ideas in my time, but I am not sure this is the way for me.  I think one of the reason I have started this blog is to force myself to write a bit more.

Anyway, if any of you have any other suggestions please let me know.

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